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Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Disgusting Pro-Democrat Ad

I have to ask.
Does the DNC just HATE women? Or could it be Democrats? Or could it be Barack Obama and his horrid excuse for a campaign? I think its Barack Obama and his minions.

"My assumption is that the authors and editors of The American Prospect are smart
enough to know that. So I'm wondering why all three of their blogs—Ezra Klein, Beat the Press, and TAPPED, the latter of
which is written by a group of contributors including
several people who I know are smart enough to know that—are currently running
this ad:
"Yet Another BUSH We Can't Trust"—seriously? Look, I don't give a
shit about the "hilarious" double entendre the copy is employing; that's
blatantly sexist. And it has no business at any blog that asserts to be feminist
and/or progressive."

Read the full article here by Melissa McEwan.
*****A SPECIAL Thank You to Mary Ann S. for sending me this.

Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain-Obama Debate by Karen Hill

McCain-Obama Debate
This is a synopsis of the debate tonight, Sept.26, 2008. Not only did Barack Obama say approximately 10 times "John is right" he dodged his own previous statements.
Statements that could bear heavy burdens financially and in relation to our national security. Remember Barack Obama's previous statement about meeting with Ahmadinajad? Barack Obama stated he would meet with Ahmadinajad without preconditions and offer sticks and carrots.
Well folks, sticks and carrots do not come free of charge. America has tried that tactic in the past and we ended up being used and stabbed in the back in terms of allegiance. Apparently in some parts of the world allegiance only last as long as the money does.
We can not buy our national security. We can not be the international kid getting their lunch money stolen by the bid bad threatening bullies. Rather our national security is something we must earn and maintain.
Debate Breakdown
1. "John is right" said Barack Obama
2. "John is right" said Barack Obama
3. "John is right" said Barack Obama
I have a bracelet too! Barack Obama whined defensively
4. "John is right" said Barack Obama
5. "John is right" said Barack Obama
6. "John is right" said Barack Obama
7. "John is right" said Barack Obama
8. "John is right" said Barack Obama
9. "John is right" said Barack Obama
10. "John is right" said Barack Obama
Immediately John McCain jumps on an airplane headed back to Washington
TO WORK! Wow working in the Senate something that is foreign to Barack Obama.

Just a Chuckle for the Day

Have a Chuckle

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Democratic Party Banishes DNCReform Tow The Party Line OR GET OUT!

Sept. 15th 2008 at approx 8pm I received an email (see below) from the Democratic Party Online Fundraising Branch, aka Act Blue. This email, as you will see, basically says DNCReform is suspended from Act Blue. My name is Steven and I founded this organization, DNCReform. I have been a life long Democrat since the days of Jimmy Carter. I am capable of thinking for myself which apparently the "New Democratic Party" does not appreciate.

I founded DNCReform in an attempt to return value and respect to each and every vote. To stand against politicians masquerading as Democrats but who proved to be too spineless to actually represent voters or who are more concerned about DNC future funding threats than the voices and votes of the American people. I am not 'towing the party line'. My reward from the UN-Democratic party was to basically banish this organization, DNCReform.

Online contributions will again be available shortly. I am not sure whom will handle the online contributions yet as I have to make sure it is the safest method for donors, but we will have it up again with in the next 24-48 hours.
Contributions can still be made by mail to
PO Box 16
Flat Rock Mi 48134.

I want it to be very clear I nor anyone with DNCReform has ever made any secret about our intentions. We have always made it plainly clear we would be working to unseat UN-representing false or cowardly democrats.

I am personally thoroughly disgusted by what the democratic party has chosen to become. It is certainly not the party I thought I belonged to, nor the party I have supported and STILL support with my personal funds to this date. For example, my wife just mailed a personal check to Sheila Jackson Lee for her re-election campaign and DNCReform STILL solicits donations for the Hillary Clinton Retire The Debt movement (as you can see on our front page at the bottom is the link to Retire Hillary's debt.

Email from DNC's Act Blue to DNCReform:

Hi Steven,
Because the DNCReform has formally endorsed John McCain, we have
made the decision to deactivate your ActBlue account.
Thanks for your
understanding, and please let me know if you have any
J. Somerhausen
Political Coordinator

Monday, September 15, 2008

Demo-Rat Queen Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi would have us all believe her priorities are energy conservation and renewable energy. She would have us all believe she empathises with the FACT that Americans are being financially devastated at the pump. The FACT that Americans are having to cut back on things like dental appointments (according to my dentist) and many other necessities, yet Democratic Speaker of the House not only snubs American workers and environmentalist but she takes it all a step further placing herself far above the very people she is supposed to be representing.

"A request made by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., for use of a military
plane that can fly to and from her home district in San Francisco without having
to stop to refuel, told ABC News that the Pentagon has rebuffed Pelosi's

What does or how does she fly now? Could it be commercial aviation? Sharing the carbon footprint of the flight? Could she be fiscally frugal and flying coach or maybe enjoying the perks of the office and flying 1st class? Surely she is supporting working flight attendants and aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors and pilots and air traffic control workers and airline clerical workers, aircraft cleaners and many more working Americans. Or she could be flying a private C-20, the military version of the Gulf Stream 3 business jet, a twin-engine turbo-fan aircraft that seats 12 passengers and a private crew of five. Yep its the private plane, she doesn't want to be associated with real people, except when she is asking for your vote. Obviously she is more important than the carbon footprint each of those flights creates. Obviously she is more important that all those working Americans her 1st class flights would help assure employment to.

"I want an aircraft that will reach California," Pelosi told reporters Wednesday
afternoon, insisting that she doesn't care what kind of plane it is as long as
it can fly nonstop to her home district. "

"Just a month into the new Democratic majority, we are talking about the costs
of an arrogance of office," said Republican Conference Chairman Adam Putnam of
Florida at a briefing for reporters Tuesday. "The same week she is talking about
fiscal responsibility, she is requesting a jumbo jet to taxi her back and forth
from her district, something that is a major deviation from the previous
speaker. Certainly, it is the interest of someone who is in the presidential
succession to have access to a secure aircraft, but this is not a routine
military charter flight. This is Air Force Three."
I see a distinct difference between having access to a special aircraft, for times of heightened security etc., and using one routinely. Have any of these yahoo's flown commercial aviation recently? Heck you almost have to get completely undressed at security these days. I have to take off any blazer and/or any over shirt, belt, shoes. Shoes in one bin, briefcase in another bin, clothing in another bin, laptop in another bin. All goes down the conveyor through the x-ray machine and I follow through the metal detector. Then at the end I get the privilege to get re-dressed in public from all my bins. If it is safe enough for everyday Americans why is it not safe enough for Pelosi on regular flights to and from Washington?

Wait, wait read what about a fellow Democrat threatening the Department of Defense over friend Nancy Pelsoi's request for a bigger aircraft to ferry her between California and Washington.

Late Wednesday afternoon, one of Pelosi's closest allies in the House, Rep. John
Murtha, D-Penn., chairman of the key Appropriations Committee subcommittee on defense, told CNN that the Pentagon was making "a mistake" by leaking
information unfavorable to the speaker "since she decides on the allocations for
the Department of Defense."

For follow up reading I suggest the following: click the title to read articles

First Read MSNBC
What Nancy Pelosi Wants
What Nancy Pelosi Has

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

DNCReform K.Hill

DNCReform formally endorses John McCain for President of the United States and Sarah Palin for Vice President of the United States.

Many of you are aware we (DNCRefom) chose not to jump on the John McCain bandwagon while genuine efforts were being made to see the actual Democratic Primary WINNER, Hillary Rodham Clinton, gain the nomination in Denver. Our efforts along with everyone else's were valiant but went ignored. We feel that the best presidential candidate to represent American is John McCain. We feel he will bring a much needed fiscal conservatism to Washington along with genuine change and reform to the status quo Washington politics. Sen. John McCain has always been a "maverick" and moderate politician, who is not afraid to challenge his party. Senator McCain is someone that voters can trust and respect. Governor Palin is also a "maverick" politician, who has stood up to her party, exposed and ended corruption and has exhibited fiscal responsibility, in her capacities as Governor of the Great State of Alaska, and former Mayor of Wasilla, AK. We feel that she will truly complement and enhance the administration of future President John McCain. There are currently no other candidates in the race that can measure up to Senator John McCain or Governor Sarah Palin.

This video will show you why I, a life long Democrat will happily vote for Sen. John McCain.